Enterprise Financial Group (EFG) approached Plasma to develop a Digital Transformation solution to automate their Vehicle Insurance Claims process. The goal of the engagement was to create a BPM driven process which is streamlined and user-friendly to order vehicle parts that fit cost and delivery time requirements. The technology involved in the project was migration of AS400 backend to Web enabled architecture.
EFG’s existing system to order parts for insurance claims was very rigid, lacked optimal user experience, flexibility and scalability being a legacy AS400 system. The claims process was taking too long and was not producing ideal results. An important part of the claims process is to “shop” the part prices and labor estimates provided by vendors and then compare these to other parts available in the market and the nationally recognized labor hours and labor rates reported. The process to “shop” parts is time consuming and prone to errors due to the manual steps involves. To save time, money and resources, the system automatically provides all vendor prices, delivery times and specifications in such a way that users can compare and make quick, educated purchasing decisions.
This allows for EFG to find the cheapest price available when ordering vehicle parts. Also, as the legacy system had many user experience limitations, the new system will need to be very user focused and allow for seamless navigation and agile decision making.