Data Management and Analytics

Big Data Management

Utilizing next-generation artificial intelligence and knowledge management technologies, Plasma’s Big Data Management solution provides enhanced storage, access, control, and security of organizational information. Intelligent workflows enable hands-off data processing at reduced cost and increased efficiency.


Plasma’s Big Data Management solution is the engine that will drive your ability to fully capitalize on the power contained within your data. Data that, when efficiently mined, absorbed, and shared, can provide you with significant competitive business and operational advantages. Areas of impact will include:

Big Data


Periodic small samplings of customer data is not enough to provide the level of insights needed to understand, and predict, customer needs and behaviors. Those deep insights require the ability to maintain constant, real-time, contact with large volumes of data from a wide range of data sources. Our Big Data technology provides that power across all our individual Customer Engagement solutions.

Vendor Management

The most effective Vendor Management Programs are those that are more proactive than reactive. That proactivity can only be realized through the utilization of Big Data and the predictive analytics that can be gleaned from that data. Plasma’s Big Data Management is the engine that drives the following Plasma Vendor Management Solutions.

Field Service Management

Data is the lifeblood of companies within the Field Service Management industry. That data is generated from a wide range of sources (IoT devices, mobile devices, on-premise applications, etc.). Competitive advantage comes from the ability to efficiently consume Big Data and then make rapid decisions based on real-time insights.. That requires a powerful Big Data engine. Plasma’s Big Data Management is that engine; an engine that drives:


Areas of impact will include:

Use Case

Powerful Data Analytics, Data Visualization, and Reporting

To provide the desired user value and experience the software solution would need to include comprehensive analytics, dashboarding, and reporting capabilities.


What our client say about us

Plasma Ag solutions have been a tremendous asset to our operations. They offer powerful capabilities such as managing Retail programs, Products, Programs, local discounts, and wraps. Ability to track inventory at physical locations, calculating true and average costs, rebates and accruals on user-friendly and simple interfaces has helped us and our retail customers adopt Plasma Ag solutions quickly.


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