

Leveraging Advanced Technologies for the Financial Segment

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the ways in which customers interact with their financial institutions. The pandemic, combined with continued digital transformation, has also created new operational, business, and security challenges within those institutions. 

Meeting those challenges requires solutions that bring together the latest advancements in intelligence and control.

Banking and Finance

Industry Challenges

Common Problems Faced by Enterprises


Risk Management

Risk assessment and management need to be fully integrated. Institutions must be able to perform real-time, intelligence-based, assessment of risks associated with loans, investments, product offerings, etc.


Fraud Prevention

Reactive fraud detection is no longer sufficient. Solutions are needed that enable a shift to effective fraud prevention for institutions and their customers.


Intelligent Process Automation

AI-enabled, self-learning, process workflows are needed to automate and streamline heavy, resource-consuming, processes. Workflows that improve accuracy and repeatability.


Regulatory Compliance

Too much time and money are spent on complying with the complex landscape of financial regulations. More holistic solutions are needed for monitoring the institution’s entire infrastructure.



Financial institutions and their customers are under constant pressure from cyber-criminals. Hardened, AI/ML-enabled cyber-security is a go-forward imperative.


Customer Experience

Digital transactions have replaced personal interactions. Digital transactions need to be slick, reliable, available, fast, and non-intrusive.

AI-enabled fraud prediction

AI-enabled fraud prediction, detection, and avoidance that can save millions of dollars in fraud costs.

Real-time, non-siloed, 360⁰ perspective

of the entire institutional and customer infrastructure that enables improvements in business efficiencies and customer experience.

Intelligent, self-learning, workflows

that reduce the reliance on human intervention and ensure optimum execution of financial processes.


monitoring that provides early detection of potential regulatory infractions and that enables quicker mitigation.

Zero trust security protocols

that provide hardened cyber protection and that shorten detection and reaction times (detection in seconds instead of hours/days).


Plasma’s Solutions for Financial

Plasma provides the technology that enables the development of enterprise-grade intelligence for financial institutions and their customers. Greater efficiency and reduced risk for the institution. Enhanced service and experience for the customer. Greater security for both.

ML-enabled risk assessment

Personalized machine learning algorithms that provide rapid detection of anomalies in a potential borrower’s spending and credit application patterns.

Preventive fraud protection

Customizable intelligence that provides end-point monitoring and analysis of transaction data points to detect fraud-indicative anomalies.

AI-Enabled intelligent workflows

Financial workflows that are dynamic, automated, and self-learning. Process automation that eliminates human-introduced error.

GenAI-enhanced regulatory compliance

AI-enabled early detection of AML risk indicators that provide a 360⁰ view of customer behavior. Automated routing of alerts and mitigations.

Next-generation cyber-security

Ecosystem monitoring that includes AI-enabled security and SSL protocols. Protection from cyber-threats using encryption methods that protect against Zero-Day cyber-attack and other malware intrusions.

Customer experience management

Embedded AI that learns and evolves from customer interactions. Improves customer experience while reducing workforce requirements.


Benefits for Financial Institutions


What our client say about us

Our software, system and processes used to be an old struggling engine. Plasma team solved all that. With exceptional training and planning, their consultative executive team down to their support team executed the deployment with first-class speed and professionalism. Their platform not only removed all the pain points in my division, but also created a ripple effect benefiting my entire company.


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