The Difference Between A Web Portal And A Website

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What is a Website?

A website is a collection of interlinked web pages typically hosted from a single domain. A website is accessible over the internet or a private network such as Local Area Network (LAN) through an address known as Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

The URLs organize the web pages into a hierarchical form which help a user to navigate through the pages. A home page is included that usually is the starting point of all navigation artifacts, including links to other pages, an “About Us” page, or a “Contact Us” page.

Static vs Dynamic Website

  • A static website is composed of web pages the content of which remains constant until a developer wishes to alter.
  • The information on a static website remains the same throughout.
  • A static website may consist of plain text or rich media. However, on visiting a static site, you will see the same content at all times irrespective of the time of visit.
  • On the other hand, a dynamic website updates itself frequently depending on a set of parameters.
  • In other words, a dynamic website’s content is renewed every time a user visits the website.
  • A dynamic web page is created using a wide range of software and languages such as, Java Server Pages (JSP), Active Server Pages (ASP), PHP, Python, Perl, etc.

Also Read: 10 Things to Consider When Building Your Web Portal

Interactive Websites

Websites of the 90s had only textual content on them. With the evolution in multimedia and other design elements, images, audio, video, and interactivity to mimic a desktop application started appearing on websites.

Plugins such as Silverlight and Flash started to get implemented in websites to deliver more interaction with users. In modern web browsers, JavaScript helps modify the web page content on the fly and communicate with the web server.

Also Read: 10 Things to Look for in a Web Application Development Company

If you want to create a website, Please Consult with us. We will definitely help you. Here you can more information below:

difference between website and portal

What is a Web Portal?

A web portal is a customized website that immerses information from a wide array of sources in a consistent and uniformed manner.

For example, web portals are served in the form of dashboards for company executives and managers. How the content on a portal should be organized and presented depends largely on the requirements of the end users?

A web portal may be customized based on the restrictions of domain searches. An enterprise portal usually has a consistent design and has the capability to interact with applications and databases.

Also Read: Enterprise Portals: Bringing Your Business into the FutureTypes of Web Portals

There are various types of web portals depending on the usage and content restrictions. Some of them are:

  • Government and federal portals
  • Corporate and enterprise portals
  • Cultural and trade portals
  • Stock and financial portals
  • Search portals
  • Tender and bidding portals
  • Domain specific portals

Also Read: How to Make an Ecommerce Portal That Hooks Your Customers

Web Portal Development – Things to Consider

A programmer embarking on web portal development has to consider many factors before a portal can be made available for consumption, either internally or externally. From a developer’s perspective, there are many things to balance, such as, design vs platform, stability vs early build, and standards vs business goals, to name a few.

Before starting a Enterprise web portal development initiative, you as a developer need to keep the following in mind before kick-starting your project:

User Experience and Interface

  • Cross browser compatibility
  • Device compatibility, for examples, tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • Section 508 compliance
  • Seamless updates and patches
  • Friendly error messages and proper exception handling
  • Progressive enhancement


  • Prevention of SQL injections and intrusions
  • Fail-safe password encryption
  • Two factor authentication
  • SSL/HTTPS for secure login
  • Avoiding cross site scripting
  • Keeping your system protected with the latest virus definitions and software patches


  • Proper usage of caching
  • Image and media content optimization
  • Cookie management
  • Minimizing the amount of HTTP requests


  • Usage of search engine friendly URLs
  • Proper sitemap of the portal
  • Proper link nomenclature
  • Know how search engine spiders work

CRM Customer Portal

CRM customer portal that delivers customer service with service receipts and also opportunities to buy, Customer web portal solutions delivers all the resources to ensure a successful engagement and experience. Integrating an online portal into your program streamlines processes, creating efficiencies and greater transparency for providers.

Plasma offers the only complete set of enterprise structural components along with other solutions like CRM Web portal, vendor management, sales analytics, project management, Enterprise asset management, Operational Dashboard Solutions to complete a business single-platform uniform automation system end-to-end enterprise-wide business fit to.

Also Read: The Importance of CSS in Web Portal Development

Are you Looking for Different Portal? We deliver the most effective and affordable web portals to push your business to the next level of excellence. Get in touch to help us know your requirement. Please Consult with us. Also Visit our CLIENT PORTFOLIO.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”527″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][stm_post_comments][stm_post_bottom][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]